2018 Community Building Partnership Program Grants
The NSW Community Building Partnership program awards grants for community infrastructure projects.
The NSW Government is investing in infrastructure projects that deliver positive social, environmental and recreational outcomes, while promoting community participation, inclusion and cohesion.
Grants need to be for:
- construction of new community infrastructure
- refurbishment, repair and maintenance of existing community infrastructure
- capital equipment with a minimum individual asset value of $2500.
In 2018, incorporated not-for-profit community organisations and local councils are eligible to apply for grants between $2500 and $330,000. The average grant awarded is around $20,000.
Projects with contributions from their own or other sources will be considered favourably. Local councils, including their section 355 committees, are required to provide matched funding to the CBP grants.
As total funding will be divided equally among the state electorates of NSW, applications will be assessed against other proposed projects within the same electorate.
Eligible projects will also be assessed against four program criteria:
- Enhancing facilities — the project develops a vibrant, sustainable and inclusive community through the enhancement or construction of community infrastructure.
- Meeting community needs — the project supports activities and services needed by local communities.
- Increasing community participation — the project encourages participation in activities or services needed by a broad section of the community.
- The organisation’s capacity — the applicant has the capacity to deliver the project on time and within scope.