ADC Update on Tests for 2015
The ADC has two pieces of news with regard to tests for 2015.
- With the advent of the FEI Medium Tour tests – Intermediate A and Intermediate B – the ADC has decided to phase out the Big Tour Entry Level Test as from 1.1 15
- The FEI has just published the 2015 FEI test from Senior to Children level. For many the only change has been to add the word “Straightness” to the Submission Collective.
But tests which have had some changes are as follows.
- Inter A they have split movement 17 in to 2 movements. The same with movement 20 .– Inter A - Movement 14 & 15 combined also new total 360,
- Inter A – several changes in letters – movements 4,5,6,7
Notice issued by the Australian Dressage Committee