
Would you like to volunteer to help at dressage events or other dressage activities?

To register as a volunteer please complete the forms below and send in to us.  All volunteers (including judges and officials and committee members) who come in contact with children must complete a working with children check.  Download the form on the link below and submit to Dressage NSW when you report for your next volunteering activity.  

Perhaps you are a “loose connection”.  That is, a Mother, Father, family member or partner, who would like something to do while the event is taking place?
You may be interested in the sport, like to make a contribution, however small, however irregular. Every bit helps and we will welcome you warmly and provide you with the necessary training as required.
We need:
  • People who are prepared to pencil (write for judges) at events
  • People who are prepared to become gear stewards, marshals and runners (collecting papers from the judges)
  • People who can assist with hospitality at our regular events (making sure our volunteers and judges are being looked after)
  • People who have computer skills and can assist with scoring
  • People who can help with the preparation and running of major events
  • People who know people/businesses who may be prepared to help with fundraising and getting sponsors for major events.

You may ask “what is in it for me?”
Apart from being well fed during the time you are volunteering, you get the satisfaction of contributing  to a sport that is expanding rapidly; of knowing that without you, events just can’t run at all or not as well as they are.  Without competitions, there is no improvement; without improvement, there is not international competition and so it goes. 

In the end, without you and your help there is no viable dressage.

Clarendon event volunteer enquiries:  e-mail

Of fill out the volunteer application form on the links below and send them in to us.

On-line volunteer form - click here

DNSW_ Volunteer_Application_Form_0.pdf


Nominate Live Score Dressage Writer training Penciller_instructions_20191002.pdf

Nominate Live score training Video  Click here