Committee members confirmed at the 2014 AGM
At the 2014 DNSW AGM the Committee members for the next 3-year-term (2015-2017) were appointed.
Four Committee positions are vacated at each AGM.
Toni Venhaus nominated by the due date and as there was no other nominations at the time was elected automatically for the next term. Three positions were declared vacant at the AGM and nominations were taken from the floor. Sue Cunningham and Kathy Shelley were nominated and voted back to the Committee and we welcome Vicki Newham to the Committee.
We farewelled Cathie Drury-Klein who decided not to re-stand for election this year. Our thanks to Cathie for the many years service she has given to the Committee and to the sport as a whole. Cathie will not be far away and remain part of the Organising Committee for our major events such as the Sydney CDI.
At the Committee meeting held after the AGM the Office Bearers were appointed.
Kathy Shelley stepped down as Vice President and Helen Lawson as Treasurer. Suzanne Doyle was nominated and accepted as Treasurer and Helen Lawson and Jan Geary are now the Vice Presidents. Both as Toni and I retain our positions as Hon Secretary and President.
Our thanks to Helen for a great job after stepping into Judy’s Wilson shoes a few years ago and to Kathy who has always been a great support on the Executive.
You can locate all the Committee member details here
Prue Spurrett
President Dressage NSW